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• Current measurements are great to go out in the nature more?!


• Social distancing is the way to be with ourselves more?!


• This virus is a great reminder that our body is the only true vehicle we have for life and that we better learn about it; to be able to care for it better - which can be done with knowledge, proaction and above all learning to listen to our 100% unique mental and physical needs?!


• This time is excellent for more reading, hand work, home improvements, mindfulness, cooking, online courses, self searching, music listening, long baths, decluttering or simply relaxing?!


• This quiet time is great for reflecting on 10 things people regret most before dying and we actually do something about it?!


• People would know that the amount of energy they need to make themselves happy or make themselves miserable is the same; would they invest it differently?!


• This year is the first year for the New Years resolutions with only one goal: to become kinder to each other and stop using any kind of power for Ego purposes but only for love, help and caring for each other?! Are you in? ❤️☀️

(Photos: Mateja K: Surrender means letting yourself be happy ❤️🐾🐾)

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