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March 21

🌷March 21 It is the first full spring day. It brings brightness, flourishing, rebirth and life itself. It brings a reminder to be grateful, mindful and compassionate in this short trip we are super lucky to win - LIFE! Pure lottery win! Not many days have so many beautiful celebrations and great meanings. March 21 has! Here are just a few: 🎉March 21 it’s the start of a New Year’s Day (in Persia), known as Newroz. In Zoroastrian doctrine it’s represented by fire - a symbol of light, goodness and purification.🔥 It’s also: 📌International Down Syndrome Day 📌International Day of Forests 📌Education Freedom Day 📌International World Poetry Day 📌International Puppetry Day 📌National Tree Planting Day (Lesotho) 📌Mother's Day (most of the Arab world) 📌International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 📌Harmony Day (Australia) 📌Human Rights Day (South Africa) 📌International Colour Day It’s (beside millions of others) birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach, Slavoj Žižek, Ayrton Senna, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Gary Oldman and myself. Thank you all for wonderful wishes. I could not respond to all, this year there were hundreds. But I read them all through. THANK YOU! Let the spring begin literally and metaphorically! 🍀🌱🦋☀️ Let's celebrate LIFE! 🍀❤️


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Mateja Kramar

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