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International Women’s Day

Dear superwomen, happy International Women's Day! ! 🌷

Let’s #choosetochallange to be and stay feminine: gentle, kind, smart, confident, caring, helping, selfless, energetic, relaxed, calm, humble, authentic, bold, positive, supportive, compassionate, sensible, sincere and intuition driven strong women who are in love with life.

And as such be the role models, voices and mentors for those young girls, teenage ladies and women who have no voice, who need our helping hands, can lean on our shoulders and count on our strong support and determination to make this world loving, happy and connected.

Dear Ladies and girls, in the most gentle feminine way we can shake the world to make it a kinder and nicer place to live for all.

Photo: My joy and goal is to be the one I needed most when I was younger.

Here playing and eating big chocolate cake with my pretty and super energetic niece ~ there is no better feeling than a girl you guide through life saying she wants to be like you and have your superpowers when she grows up. So we are giving confidence and love to each other. 💕


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Mateja Kramar

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