Humbled, honored and grateful that I was chosen between 100 #women leaders I truly admire and respect. To be a part of an #diversity and #inclusion project ~ looking serious for a change and so noticed (even more).
💐I think women in #leadership as in all roles in life should be:
🌷strong yet gentle
🌷courageous yet vulnerable
🌷determinate yet open-minded
🌷listeners yet with own voice
🌷resilient yet sensible
🌷persistent yet soft
🌷pragmatic yet compassionate
🌷serious yet with smiling heart
🌷leaders yet female
... and never even try to imitate men or male traits.
June 1, 2018 ~ Daniel Eisenhut portrayed 100 women leaders from all over Switzerland, presented in a cathedral-like manner, like in the portrait galleries of the past when galleries promoted male leaders only.
It was an exclusive demonstration of women #leaders - creating an outstanding visual impact of the tremendous power and importance of #female leadership. With #swisstv#srf and #CNNmoney present.
2 years past - so many things changed, but still not enough. Because meaningful change is not measured by length but by direction. Millions of meetings, events and intentions don’t count if there is zero or not enough action, deeds, difference or results after.