I prefer doers over talkers, practice over theory. Theory is a base, the ingredients for smart-er action and better structure. I strongly believe action always beats intention. Experiences with all the failures are the best teachers. I truly hope that how we „successfully“ and XL stupidly blew up our planet taught us big time and will force us to work hard and with integrity to rebuild it and create a better planet for all the beautiful LIFE! The Chairman of Alibaba Mr. Jack Ma is a doer and talks from experience (and countless failures). He has those 5B that in my opinion count most for a smart humans and great leaders: Brain, Backbone, Balance, Brilliance and Balls. He says: ”Machines only have chips, humans have hearts.” We have to foster our humane side in parallel of growing and implementing the digital transformation. All our soft parts (aka soft skills) make us humane and are actually our strongest attributes. Not (again) for winning, success or power, but above all to contribute, make impact and help our planet to be our happy home we and the future generations are/will be proud of. Digital transformation needs firstly transformation in our thinking, guided by 5H: our Hearts, Honestly, Humanity, Honor and Help (each other). Tadam!! 5B+5H=1 F(uture)! 😊❤️🐘🐬🌳🌍
Photo: "Love and let be loved" by Mateja Kramat (35x35cm Oil on Canvas)